Dark circles or periorbital hypermelanosis is a common skin concern in men and women. It is caused by various overlapping endogenous and exogenous factors.
Types of Periorbital hyperpigmentation
- Pigmented - They occur due to excess melanin content and are dark brown to black in color.
- Vascular - They can also be caused due to excessive vascularity around the eyes. It causes a bluish pigmentation around the eyes.
- Structural/Anatomic - It can occur due to lax skin, herniated fat in the undereye area, and loss of volume in the undereye region
Treatment Options for Dark Circles at Skinessence
We provide a range of treatment options to reduce or permanently cure dark circles
A combination of the above treatment options are considered for better treatment outcome.
Dark Lips
The colour of the lips can vary among people due to different races and ethnicities. In general, the colour of the lips comes in shades of pink. Due to certain genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, there can be discoloration of the lips.
Treatment for Dark Lips at Skinessence
We provide a range of dermatological treatments to reduce dark lips
Frequently Asked Questions
Dark circles are caused by numerous reasons such as genetics, lifestyle and health-related conditions. Here are some of the major causes
- Genetics/ heredity
- Advanced age
- Facial structure/ anatomy
- Vitamin K deficiency
- Excessive vascularity
- Excessive straining of the eye
- Sleep deprivation
- Thin skin around eyes
The main reason for dark lips are as follows
- Smoking
- Tobacco chewing
- Genetic/ heredity
- Cosmetic allergens
- UV Exposure
- Lip licking
- Certain Drugs: antimalarials, chemotherapy